
HepcoMotion - 三星创新中心的可移动屏幕

The Samsung Innovation Museum in Korea needed to move LCD display screens, showing a cross section of Samsung’s customers, bringing a number of challenges for the design team in Korea.

The 8 panels totalling 12m high x 6 m wide would have to be fitted to a structure attached to the inside walls of the building. In turn the accuracy of the walls in respect of straightness and parallelism would not be up to precision engineering standards. A linear guidance system and structure complete would be an ideal solution but most systems on the market  require the customer to fit the linear guidance to the structure and locate the drive separately.

HepcoMotion - 三星创新中心的可移动屏幕


Hepco had long recognised the importance of supplying beams that could be used, not only as a means to fit linear systems to, but also as stand alone structural members to save customers having to design their own solution. This, though, does require beams that are inherently rigid and have high levels of straightness.

The vertical Z motion to move the panels up and down used 4 x 10 m long beams two on each side separated by the distance of the Y axis supporting the panels, 6m.

The strong aluminium beams 300mm x 200mm (ref HB33) were locally attached to the walls of the building. The V rails were supplied accurately fitted to the beams with an integral rack cut into one of the V rails to provide the means of driving through a standard rack driven carriage.

The cross Y axis used smaller beams (ref HB25) again with rack driven carriages to perform the sideways movement of the panels

With the 8 panels shared equally between the two vertical beams the motion to tilt each panel was provided by HepcoMotion PRT2 standard rings 612mm diameter. Through a gear cut into the ring the necessary motion was achieved through a motor driven pinion.

Scope of Supply

4 x HB33

3 x 10M long beams with CHSS33 plain and rack cut slides, complete with rackdriven carriages.

4 x HB25 x 5.6 m long beams with CHSS25 plain and rack cut slides, complete with rack driven carriages.

8 x R44-612 –360 rings complete with bearings and drive pinion.


This complete solution required fitting the beams against the walls, locating the panels to the rings and fitting the necessary motors. Helical bevel gearboxes were provided on all rack driven carriages.

So that the beams could be assembled simply without having to make adjustments for any out of straightness each of the beams for Z and Y, were carefully selected for flatness and straightness with the V rail mounting surfaces machined. Because of the difficulties in assembling a 10 m length the Z axis beams were supplied in two pieces 6m and 4m with precision joining plates. The Korean engineers could then simply bolt the two pieces together safe in the knowledge that the V rails and rack rails would line up.

The result is a smooth running easy to install display system that enhances the reception area of the Samsung Innovation Centre.

The use of Hepco products into a whole new spectrum of Architectural applications is gaining pace as engineers see the benefit in specifying modular construction pieces complete with linear guidance and drive, leaving only basic assembly required.


海普克(HEPCO) China - 上海派然涛工业技术有限公司

电话 0086-21-56489055

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华南地区 - 广州权硕机电设备有限公司

电话 0086 20 38987180

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